Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Location/Juhlapaikka

The Location for the Wedding, the Toninveraja Summer Cottage, can be found here. We'll get some information up in English as well, asap. But in short, its about 30mins from Tampere, where most people will fly in anyway, so travel is not a problem.

Toninveräjän lomakodin sivut löytyvät täältä, sivuilta löytyvät ajo-ohjeet ja muuta tietoa paikasta

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Accommodation / Majoitus

Häiden aikaiseen majoitukseen on kaksi vaihtoehtoa, ensinnä Toninveräjällä
on jonkin verran majoituspaikkoja, joihin voi yöksi jäädä (30e/hlö) ja tämän
lisäksi Tampereen keskustan Holiday Inn:ssa
( on vieraillemme
varattuna huoneita hintaan 68e/huone/vrk (1-2hlöä/huone).

Majoitusta tarvitsevien pyydämme ilmoittamaan siitä mahdollisimman pian,
niin kaikille löytyy yösija!

There are two options for the accommodation during the wedding, firstly
there are some places available in the Toninveräjä where some of the guests
can stay (30e/person) and in addition to this there are rooms reserved for our
guests in the Holiday Inn
( in Tampere centre
for 68e/room/night (1-2persons in a room). It is possible to stay in Holiday
Inn for more than just the Saturday-Sunday night a well, but we would need
to know of this soon as well.

Anyone needing accommodation is kindly asked to inform us of it asap so we
can organise a place for everyone to stay in!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Route from Tampere/Reitti Tampereelta Toninveräjälle

If you click here you should be able to find a map detailing the route to the Toninveräjä House from Tampere.

Täältä löytyy kartta jossa näkyy reitti Toninveräjälle Tampereelta.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting to Tampere from the UK

The best, and indeed only way to get to Tampere in under a week is to fly with Ryanair. Also if you book soon enough the fares are pretty cheap. The UK airport is Stansted.